Cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after elective surgery to treat sweaty palms

The amount of compensatory sweating depends on the patient, the damage that the white rami communicans incurs, and the amount of cell body reorganization in the spinal cord after surgery.
Other potential complications include inadequate resection of the ganglia, gustatory sweating, pneumothorax, cardiac dysfunction, post-operative pain, and finally Horner’s syndrome secondary to resection of the stellate ganglion.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

It is well recognized that preganglionic sympathectomy involves division of cholinergic elements ad sensory fibers

It is well recognized that preganglionic sympathectomy involves division of cholinergic elements ad sensory fibers. 
Theodore Cooper, Department of Surgery, St Louis University School of Medicine 
Pharmacological Reviews, 1966 Vol. 18, No. 1. Part I

Friday, July 27, 2012

When sympathectomized rats were injected with the same carcinogen, 24 out of 38 developed tumors

"Lesions od the sympathetic nervous system have been shown to increase the incidence, induction, and take and growth, of tumors. In neurally intact rats which were infected with a known carcinogen, only 1 out of 30 developed a tumor. When sympathectomized (intentional sympathetic nerve interference) rats were injected with the same carcinogen, 24 out of 38 developed tumors. These results confirm that sympathetic block enhances tumor implantation."
"Clearly the autonomic nervous system in exquisitely sensitive to information from all parts of the nervous system and may affect many aspects of the immune response."
"Since immune response is initiated by the nervous system, this appears to be a likely place to look for the cause of disease."
Edward E. Cremata, Neural control of immunity, January/February, 1982 The Digest of Chiropractic Economics
1. Couhard, R. and P. Hein, Cancers de types divers provoqucs par lesion du sympathique, CR. Acad. Sci,  2434-2437, 1957.
2. Couhard, R. and F. Heitz, Production de tumeurs malìgncs consecutivas a des lesions des fibres sympaxhiqucs du neri sciatique chez le cobaye. CR. Amd. Scl", 244: 4-09-411, 1957. 
3. Nayar, KK., Arthur, E. and Ballís,  M4, Th: transmission of tumours induced in cockroaches by nerve severance, Experienria, 27: 183, 1971. 
4. Champy, C.. Lesions neum-sympathìques precedam la canccrixation dans Patlaque de Porganìsmc par les substances cancerîgenes, C.R. Acad. Sci, 248: 3665-1666; 1959. 
  1. lnouye. T., Neuropalhologische Versuche ueber die organafñnîtact der bocsanígcn gcschwuclstc, Arrh. Jap. Chir., 1580-1594, 1959. www.usapr.org/paperpdfs/75.pdf

Norepinephrine activates pain pathways after nerve injury

According to MedicineNet, RSD involves "irritation and abnormal excitation of nervous tissue, leading to abnormal impulses along nerves that affect blood vessels and skin."
Animal studies indicate that norepinephrine, a catecholamine released from sympathetic nerves, acquires the capacity to activate pain pathways after tissue or nerve injury, resulting in RSD.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Anthem medical policy for ETS surgery

  • Presence of medical complications or skin maceration with secondary infection; or
  • Significant functional impairment, as documented in the medical record.
Botulinum toxin is considered medically necessary in the treatment of secondary hyperhidrosis when the condition is related to surgical complications and both of the following criteria are met:
  • Presence of medical complications or skin maceration with secondary infection; and
  • Significant functional impairment, as documented in the medical record.
Treatment of primary axillary or palmar hyperhidrosis with endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is consideredmedically necessary in the small subset of individuals with hyperhidrosis where both of the following criteria (1 and 2) have been met:
  1. It has been adequately documented that all efforts at nonsurgical therapy have failed; and
  2. Either of the following:
    • Presence of medical complications or skin maceration with secondary infection; or
    • Significant functional impairment, as documented in the medical records;

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Correlating Dermatomal Level to Surface Landmarks

Table 3. Correlating Dermatomal Level to Surface Landmarks
Dermatomal LevelSurface LandmarkComments
C8Little fingerCardioaccelerator fibers blocked (T1 to T4)
T1, T2Inner aspect of the armAbove fibers blocked but to lesser degree
T4Nipple line, root of scapulaCesarean section, Appendectomy, upper abdominal surgery
T7Inferior border of scapula; Tip of xiphoidSplanchnic (T5 to L1) blockage; lower abdominal surgery; T5 to T7 for thoracotomy or fractured ribs (at relevant interspace)
T10UmbilicusUsual level for LE procedures, hip surgery, TURP, vaginal delivery
L2 to L3Anterior thighAppropriate for knee, foot surgery
S1Heel of footPart of sacral plexus, difficult to block

"sympathectomy of one side of the body leads to an increase in the development of tumors on the denervated side"

Coujard R, Heitz F. Cancerologic: Production de tumeurs malignes consecutives a des lesions des fibres sympathiques du nerf sciatique chez le Cobaye. C R Acad Sci 1957; 244: 409­411.

This suggest that interference with the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) can lead to a compromise of the body's immune system [81–82]. Conversely, an immunological response can alter the response pattern of the sympathetic nervous system. [83]

Monday, July 16, 2012

Management of reflex sweating in spinal cord injured patients

Reflex sweating can be a problem for cervical spinal cord injured patients. Patient comfort and skin breakdown have been the major concerns. Five patients were studied prospectively, using a patch containing 1.5mg of scopolamine. Patches were changed every third day. Each patient was carefully monitored before and after application of the patch for signs and symptoms of anticholinergic side effects such as dizziness, blurred vision and dry mouth. Patients were also monitored for changes in patch signs before and after use, including residual urine volumes, blood pressure, heart rate, and mental status. Our study indicates that topical scopolamine successfully controlled reflex sweating in 5 patients without anticholinergic side effects.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sympathectomy or doxazosin, but not propranolol, blunt myocardial interstitial fibrosis


surgical and chemical sympathectomy can both modulate bone cell function

It is known that surgical and chemical sympathectomy can both modulate bone cell function.  However, the sympathetic
nervous system (SNS) can give rise to both anabolic and catabolic effects [28-31] and its role in regulating bone remodeling is, therefore, controversial. For example, some researches reported that if bone is deprived of its sympathetic innervation, bone
deposition and mineralization is reduced and bone resorption increases [31], while in some other reports a sympathectomy impairs bone resorption [28].
Wei Fan BSc, MSc
Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation
Faculty of Built Environment & Engineering
Queensland University of Technology
