"Lesions od the sympathetic nervous system have been shown to increase the incidence, induction, and take and growth, of tumors. In neurally intact rats which were infected with a known carcinogen, only 1 out of 30 developed a tumor. When sympathectomized (intentional sympathetic nerve interference) rats were injected with the same carcinogen, 24 out of 38 developed tumors. These results confirm that sympathetic block enhances tumor implantation."
"Clearly the autonomic nervous system in exquisitely sensitive to information from all parts of the nervous system and may affect many aspects of the immune response."
"Since immune response is initiated by the nervous system, this appears to be a likely place to look for the cause of disease."
Edward E. Cremata, Neural control of immunity, January/February, 1982 The Digest of Chiropractic Economics
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